Income Tax Registration
(NTN) Registration
NTN also known as the national tax number is the first step toward income tax registration. As per the updated terms, the CNIC number of the individuals is now their NTN number. However, AOPs and companies are not natural persons and do not have their CNIC, so they have a separate national tax number (NTN). Sindhcounts offers NTN registration service for salaried persons, businesses, AOPs/Partnerships, companies, and not-for-profit organizations (NPOs).
NTN Registration For Salaried
Salaried individuals must get them registered with FBR by registering their NTN. This is a very simple process that can be completed in a single day.
You need to share some specific documents with us through Whatsapp, and we will register your NTN for you. This will make it easy for you to become a registered income tax payer.
Click below to view the list of documents required and WhatsApp us your documents to get started.

NTN Registration For Business
A business person has to register their NTN with FBR by submitting certain documents.
This is an easy process that can be completed in one day! You just need to share some specific documents with us through Whatsapp, and we will register your NTN for you.
This process can be completed in one day if you send us what is required through WhatsApp, so hurry up!

NTN Registration For Partnership or AOP
Partnership (Aop) is a contract by which two or more persons agree to associate with each other to carry on a business, with profits to be divided among them.
This type of setup should get registered with the tax authority because it is a taxable entity. The profits generated by the company are subject to income tax, and the partners are personally liable for any debts of the company.
Share us the following documents through Whatsapp to get started on NTN registration for Partnership Or AOP

NTN Registration For Company
In order to operate a company in Pakistan, it is required by law to register with the national tax authority and obtain a national tax number. This number must be quoted on all invoices, bills, and other official documents related to the business.
Registering with the tax authority also has other benefits. It allows a company to receive official documentation (a Tax Identity Number Certificate) that proves it is registered to do business in Pakistan. This documentation can be used when opening bank accounts, procuring visas, and doing other activities related to doing business in the country. Lastly, by registering with the tax authority and paying taxes on profits made, a company shows that it is contributing positively to the Pakistani economy.

NTN Registration For NPO-Non Profit Organizations
NPO is a designation for a tax-exempt non-profit organization in Pakistan.
NPOs are typically organized around a particular mission or purpose, such as religious, educational, scientific, literary, or charitable goals. They are usually exempt from paying federal and local taxes on the money they raise and use to carry out their missions
NPOs should especially make sure to do this, as they may be exempt from some taxes but not from others. By registering and getting your national tax number, you can be sure that you are taking full advantage of all the tax exemptions and deductions to which you are entitled.