Private Limited Company Registration

We make registering your private company in Pakistan easy and stress-free!

We know the challenges, so we’ve made the process simple to save you time and hassle.

With clear pricing and expert help, you can count on us to handle the paperwork quickly and correctly. You focus on growing your business, and we’ll take care of the legal side!


Documents Required For NTN Registration for Business Person
  1. Proposed Name Of Company
  2. National Tax Numbers of Promoters
  3. CNIC Of Promoter(S)
  4. Mobile Numbers Of Promoter(S)
  5. Email Addresses of Promoter(S)
  6. Other Info Required for Incorporation, Including Capital and other info
  7. Nature of the business activity

Time Period

Under One Week

Service & Legal Fees

Rs. 18,500

Why You Should Choose Scounts for Company Incorporation?

  1. Premium & Customized Logo Design
  2. Customized Company LetterHead
  3. Assistance With opening a corporate Bank Account
  4. All customized SECP-related documentation
  5. Whatsapp Discussion Group with one Expert Consultant
  6. Company NTN Registration (No additional fees)
  7. All the Government & Legal Fees
  8. Record management for 1 year